Friday, June 3, 2011

So that didn't go as planned

I guess I sorta forgot about my pledge to write more. I suppose that having to write a sermon every week cures any desire to write other things.
It's summer again, and for a revgal that means a bit of relief. No special holy days, etc. I can breathe (just a bit) easier.
It also means I get a half-bushel of fresh veggies every friday for the next several weeks. I'm pretty sure I still have a freezer full of last years, so I guess some homemade spaghetti sauce will be in my future soon. I can't think of a better way to use up all those frozen tomatoes!
We had barf-pocalypse this past week here. And this weekend, P was gone, so I got to handle all the puke by myself. (Usually, I do poop, P does vomit--that's just our deal) Anyway, it seems to be just a 24 hour bug, so I am hoping it's all over and that P and I are passed by.
Otherwise, I am taking it a day at a time. I don't live an exciting life, sadly.

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