Wednesday, December 24, 2008


Got a really, really nice sized bonus from the church for Christmas. I guess they really must like me! I was thinking I'd use some of it to buy something nice on our anniversary trip (sans kid!) to W'msburg. Now I'm reconsidering, since it's enough to get a nice DSLR camera body that I'm dying to have. Not enough for a lens too, but I think I can manage to get a nice one within budget so I can just pull the $$ out of the rest of the pool of Christmas moolah I know we'll get from grandparents. We do have a nice point and shoot which is great for on-the-go photos, but I would really love a D40. It's not super fancy as far as DSLR cameras go, but then I am not even good enough to be called an amateur yet--but I really want to learn! (I read up all I can here--check out the archives.) I guess we'll have to see if there's anything I just can't live without in W'msburg.

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